How to Deal With Loneliness: The Truth About Feeling Alone and How to Conquer It

How to Deal With Loneliness: The Truth About Feeling Alone and How to Conquer It

Do you ever feel like you're the only one in the world who is feeling lonely? That there's something wrong with you because you don't have a partner or close friends to share your life with? If so, know that you are not alone. Millions of people struggle with loneliness and isolation on a daily basis. In this blog post, we will explore the truth about loneliness and how to deal with it effectively.

What loneliness feels like

Loneliness is not simply being alone. It's that feeling of isolation, of being disconnected from the world around you. It's feeling like nobody understands you, or ever will. It's feeling like nobody cares.

Loneliness can be incredibly painful. It can make you feel like you're not good enough, like there's something wrong with you. It can make you feel small and insignificant. It can make you feel like giving up.

But loneliness doesn't have to be permanent. There are things you can do to combat it. You can reach out to others, even if it feels scary. You can find ways to connect with the world around you. You can find your voice and start to speak up for yourself.

You are not alone in your loneliness. But you can find your way out of it. There is hope.

Feeling alone - bach flower remedies for loneliness

Why loneliness is common

There are many reasons why loneliness is common. One reason is that people are living longer and often outlive their spouse or partner. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, many people move away from their family and friends as they get older, which can also contribute to loneliness. Another reason why loneliness is common is that more and more people are living alone. With the rise of single-person households, there are more opportunities for loneliness to set in. Finally, modern life can be quite stressful and busy. This can lead to feelings of disconnection and loneliness. All of these factors come together to create a perfect storm for loneliness.

The effects of loneliness on your health and wellbeing

Loneliness has been linked to a number of negative health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of mortality. The effects of loneliness can be particularly harmful in older adults, who are more likely to experience isolation due to retirement, widowhood, and chronic illness. A lack of social connections can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair, which can in turn worsen existing health conditions and make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to combat loneliness, such as staying active in your community, reaching out to family and friends, and participating in social activities. By making an effort to combat loneliness, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Feeling alone - bach flower remedies for loneliness

The dangers of loneliness and how it can lead to depression or even suicide

Loneliness is more than just feeling sad or alone. It’s a real and serious problem that can have a profound effect on your mental and physical health. The dangers of loneliness are often underestimated, but the truth is that loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

One of the most dangerous things about loneliness is that it can be so isolating. When you’re lonely, you may withdraw from social activities and stop talking to people. This can make it difficult to get the support you need and can make your symptoms worse.

If you’re feeling lonely, it’s important to reach out for help. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional if you’re struggling. There are also many support groups and community organisations that can help you connect with others. Don’t suffer in silence – reach out today.

How to identify if you're feeling lonely and some signs that you might be struggling with loneliness

Feeling lonely is not unusual. We all feel it from time to time, especially when we are going through a tough experience. However, if you find that you are consistently feeling lonely, even when you are surrounded by people, it might be an indication that you are struggling with loneliness. There are a few signs that you can look out for: feeling isolated or cut off from others, feeling like no one understands you, or feeling like you can't express yourself to others. 

feeling alone - bach flower remedies for loneliness

Tips for conquering loneliness

Loneliness is a difficult emotion to conquer but many of us must undertake at some point or another. Here are three tips to overcome loneliness.

First, reach out to others. This can be done by joining a club or group that meets regularly, or by simply striking up conversations with people you see on a daily basis. When you reach out to others, you are opening yourself up to the potential for new relationships which can help conquer loneliness.

Second, be social. Even if you don't feel like it, push yourself to go out and interact with others. You may find that you enjoy their company more than you thought you would. 

Lastly, finding activities that make you happy can help take your mind off of feeling lonely. This could be anything from reading to playing sports to hiking. The important thing is to find something that brings you joy and stick with it. When you focus on doing things that make you feel good, it can be easier to forget about feeling lonely.

Conquering loneliness requires effort and commitment, but by following these tips, it is possible to overcome this difficult emotion.

Bach flower remedies for loneliness

Chances are you might not have heard of Bach flower remedies. Many people know Rescue Remedy which is made up of five flower remedies and used for emergencies. There are actually 38 different flower remedies, each relating to a different emotion. They are a natural, holistic way of supporting emotional wellbeing and have been used widely since the 1930s. They were created by Dr Bach who was a physician and homeopath who understood it was important to treat a person as a whole - looking at both the emotional and physical aspect of a person. There are a number of Bach flower remedies for loneliness. Here we include a list of the most common.


You can be self-centred or self-concerned. You like to talk about yourself, you hate being alone and need an audience. You can be a poor listener – sometimes little interest in others’ problems. The positive potential of Heather is to think of others and be more willing to listen.

Water Violet

You like to be alone, can appear aloof or proud. You are solitary, quiet and prefer your own company. You show little emotional involvement and can be a difficult person to know. The positive potential: of Water Violet is to connect and not grow too isolated.


You can be possessive, selfish or overbearing with loved ones. You need constant attention and get hurt at the slightest snub. This can be stifling for family through possessive love. The positive potential of Chicory is to be more selfless in love.


You feel hopeless despair. You are completely downhearted and unable to believe things may get better. You feel there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. The positive potential of Gorse is hope, faith and strength from within.


You hide your worries behind a smile. You are outwardly cheerful & like to keep the peace but underneath this you suffer inner torment when nothing to distract you. You dislike being alone and can turn to alcohol or food to numb the pain. The positive potential of Agrimony is to be more truthful with yourself and others.

Also, see Bach flower remedies for depression.

If you're interested in trying Bach flower remedies, you can create a personalised Bach flower remedy blend at the link below -

Create a remedy

Alternatively, you may wish to speak to a Bach practitioner who can provide a supportive ear as well as expert advice on which flower remedies to select. Lucy Edwards is a qualified Bach practitioner who provides consultations online via Zoom.

Book consultation

The importance of self-care when dealing with loneliness

Self-care is important for everyone, but it can be especially helpful when loneliness strikes. When we're feeling isolated and cut off from the world, it's easy to fall into a negative spiral of self-criticism and self-doubt. However, making an effort to nurture yourself can help you break out of that cycle. Taking care of your physical needs is a good place to start. Make sure you're eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. It's also important to find ways to connect with other people, even if you don't have close friends or family nearby. Volunteer work, joining a club or sports team, or simply striking up conversations with people you meet in your everyday life can help you combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Finally, don't forget to treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Be patient with yourself as you work through these tough times, and remember that everyone feels lonely sometimes.

about the author

Since 2021, Lucy Edwards, a qualified Bach Flower Practitioner and the driving force behind Mindful Remedies, has connected with clients across the world. Crafting thousands of personalised remedies, Lucy has supported individuals' emotional wellbeing, shipping remedies to far-flung places like the USA, Thailand, and Australia.

Lucy is readily available for conversations, offering personalised advice to guide you on the path to holistic wellness. It's important to note that she's not only qualified but also registered with the Bach Centre, ensuring that every consultation and remedy adheres to Dr Bach’s original guidelines for expert care and efficacy.