Wellness Gifts for Staff: Say Thank You with Mindful Remedies

Wellness Gifts for Staff: Say Thank You with Mindful Remedies

When it comes time to show your appreciation for your staff, why not say thank you with a wellness gift? Wellness gifts are a great way to show employees that you care about their health and wellbeing. They also make excellent additions to employee wellbeing initiatives. Mindful Remedies offer both personalised wellness gifts for emotional wellbeing and an employee wellness programme tailored to your individual employees. Read on to find out more.

The Importance of Employee Wellbeing Initiatives

As well as being a kind, considerate and genuinely caring business, employee wellbeing initiatives can support your business in a variety of ways. First, they can help to improve employee productivity. When employees are feeling good mentally and physically, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and put forth their best effort. Additionally, employee wellbeing initiatives can help to reduce absenteeism. When employees are unhealthy, they are more likely to miss work due to illness. And even when they do come into work, they may not be performing at their best because of fatigue or other health issues. Finally, employee wellbeing initiatives can help to create a positive work environment. When employees feel supported by their employer in their efforts to live a healthy lifestyle, they are more likely to be loyal to the company and have a positive attitude towards their job. In short, employee wellbeing initiatives are good for both employers and employees. By investing in the health and happiness of their workforce, employers can reap many rewards.

Mental Health & Employee Wellbeing

Good mental health is essential for employee wellbeing. There are a number of ways that employers can support mental health in the workplace. For example, they can create a culture of open communication, provide training on stress management and emotional intelligence, and offer counselling services. Additionally, employers can create policies that promote work-life balance and provide employees with time off for mental health days. Finally, providing employees with regular opportunities to relax and unwind through activities such as yoga or meditation can help to reduce stress levels and promote a healthy work-life balance. By supporting mental health in the workplace, employers can create a happier, healthier workforce.

What does Mindful Remedies offer?

Mindful Remedies was created to promote emotional wellbeing through personalised Bach flower remedies. Bach flower remedies are a series of 38 natural remedies, each one targeting a different emotion. Many people have heard of Rescue Remedy which is a combination of five flower remedies designed for emergency situations. Most people don't realise there are actually 38 flower remedies which can help with a number of different emotions such as low mood, stress, anxiety, tiredness, confidence, motivation and more.

Employee wellness gifts for staff

Mindful Remedies offer people the ability to create their own personalised flower remedy blend incorporating up to seven flower remedies in a bottle. Alternatively, people can book an online consultation with Lucy, a Bach flower practitioner who will provide personalised advice and recommend the seven flower remedies she thinks will work best for you and your situation. The session provides the person the opportunity to have a supportive and empathetic ear and someone to offload their concerns to. Some people liken it a bit to counselling however at the end of the session the person also walks away with a practical tool to use daily to support their emotional wellbeing.

Our corporate offering includes either wellness gifts for staff or employee wellbeing programmes:

Wellness Gifts for Staff

If you're looking for a gift for your employees that can support their emotional wellbeing, Mindful Remedies can provide a premium employee gift that can also be personalised individually to them. We start by sending out a questionnaire to your employees with a list of questions to help us select the best remedies just for them. We then create each remedy by hand and post out beautifully packaged boxes to each employee - either at the office or their home. Their questionnaire answers are completely confidential of course.

Why choose Mindful Remedies for your Employee Wellness Gifts?

  • Completely personalised gift for your individual employees - we're all unique after all!
  • Bespoke, confidential questionnaire aimed at helping to uncover the best remedies to support them
  • Beautiful, premium packaging which can include a personalised message from you
  • A 100% natural, safe and gentle way of supporting emotional wellbeing
  • Corporate discounts available for large orders - please contact us

Employee Wellbeing Programmes

Alternatively, if you're looking for a more comprehensive approach to employee wellbeing and emotional health, we offer employee wellbeing programmes. These include our 50 minute personal consultations which take place via Zoom or can be arranged in person depending on your office location. Instead of sending out a questionnaire for the staff member to self select their emotions, a personal consultation will involve Lucy spending time one-on-one with each staff member, asking them questions to understand their current emotions, what's going on in their life and what challenges they may be facing.

Lucy Edwards Bach Practitioner

It's a chance for the individual to offload any worries or stresses and have a third party person who they confidentially confide in. She will then recommend up to seven flower remedies for the individual staff member and create their remedy by hand. The bottle is then posted or given to the person there and then if the consultation is conducted face-to-face. The remedy bottle will last about three weeks and we recommend a course of three consultations ideally.

Why choose Mindful Remedies for your Employee Wellbeing Programme?

  • Our approach is unique offering a combination of both talking therapy and natural remedies to tackle emotional issues
  • The programme is tailored specifically to individual employees, there is no one-size-fits-all - which is exactly how health should be treated
  • Lucy has spent 15 years working in the business world and understands well the challenges that come with corporate life, team dynamics and workplace stress
  • Consultations can take place either over Zoom to accommodate those working from home (and to offer privacy) or face-to-face in the office, location dependent
  • Corporate discounts available for bulk bookings - please contact for rates

Contact us to enquire

It's important to show your appreciation for a job well done or to support employee wellbeing. At Mindful Remedies, we offer bespoke employee wellbeing programmes that can be tailored to your staff’s specific needs. We will work with you to create a programme that not only improves emotional wellbeing but also helps improve overall workplace productivity and creativity. If you are looking for an extra special way to say thank you or build a better workplace culture, contact us to enquire more about our unique employee wellbeing programmes. We would be happy to help make your team feel appreciated and valued.

about the author

Since 2021, Lucy Edwards, a qualified Bach Flower Practitioner and the driving force behind Mindful Remedies, has connected with clients across the world. Crafting thousands of personalised remedies, Lucy has supported individuals' emotional wellbeing, shipping remedies to far-flung places like the USA, Thailand, and Australia.

Lucy is readily available for conversations, offering personalised advice to guide you on the path to holistic wellness. It's important to note that she's not only qualified but also registered with the Bach Centre, ensuring that every consultation and remedy adheres to Dr Bach’s original guidelines for expert care and efficacy.