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Are you feeling a deep anguish, like life is unbearable? Do you see no end to your suffering? Sweet Chestnut...

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It's 3 a.m. and you can't sleep because there is an upcoming test in your 8 a.m. class tomorrow. You...

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What is the Larch Bach flower remedy? Larch is one of the 38 Bach flower remedies created by Dr Bach...

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Do you ever find yourself ruminating on negative thoughts? Maybe you automatically jump to a negative conclusion, or you can't...

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Bach flower remedies are a popular and effective way to treat emotional imbalances. The Willow Bach flower remedy is specifically for...

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How to accept your reality, your role in that reality, challenging negative thinking and practicing self-compassion.

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Do you feel like you're not good enough? Do you dislike some aspect of yourself? If so, Crab Apple Bach...

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Discover the 3 main remedies indicated for nightmares.

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The Chestnut Bud flower remedy is for those with difficulty learning from their mistakes. They may find it hard to see the patterns in their behaviour and as a result, they keep repeating the same errors.

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