The Best Bach Flower Remedies For Stage Fright

The Best Bach Flower Remedies For Stage Fright

Stage fright can affect even the most seasoned performers. Whether you're about to give a presentation, perform on stage, or even speak up in a group, the fear and nerves accompanying these situations can feel overwhelming. 

The pounding heart, shaky hands, and racing thoughts are all too familiar for many. Fortunately, Bach flower remedies offer gentle and effective support for managing these feelings of anxiety and fear. These natural remedies can ease emotional distress and boost confidence in moments when fear and anxiety seem to take over.

In this blog post, I'll share some of the best Bach flower remedies for managing stage fright, helping you face challenging situations with calm and confidence.

Understanding Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a natural, plant-based system of emotional healing created by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s. The flower remedy system comprises 38 remedies made from the essence of different flowers, plants, or trees, each one supporting a different emotion.

The remedies are safe, natural, and suitable for all ages, including children and pregnant women. They can be used alongside conventional treatments with no interactions, risk of side effects or dependency.

By tuning into your current emotions, you can choose the remedy or combination that best supports your needs. Whether it's nervousness before a presentation, the fear of making a mistake, or difficulty focusing on your performance, Bach flower remedies can support you to overcome stage fright and perform with confidence.

How Bach Flower Remedies Can Help with Stage Fright

A combination of fear, anxiety and a lack of confidence often fuels stage fright. Bach flower remedies address these underlying emotional issues, helping to create a sense of calm, focus and self-assurance.

If fear of public speaking causes you to freeze up or panic, there’s a remedy that can help with that. If you find your mind racing with negative thoughts about how you’ll perform, there’s a remedy for that too.

The beauty of Bach flower remedies is that they can be personalised to your specific situation and target the root cause of your stage fright.

The Best Bach Flower Remedies for Stage Fright


Mimulus is the remedy for specific fears, including the fear of public speaking or performing in front of others. If a specific, known fear causes your stage fright - whether it's the fear of forgetting your lines, being judged, or failing - Mimulus is the remedy to select.

This remedy supports courage, helping you face your fears with a greater sense of calm and confidence. It is also the remedy for people who may be shy or timid and will help you speak up.

Rock Rose:

Rock Rose is the remedy for intense fear or panic. This remedy will help if your stage fright leads to feelings of terror, panic attacks or paralysis, where you feel frozen in the moment and unable to perform.

This remedy is helpful when fear escalates into panic, helping to restore calm and control in high-anxiety situations. Rock Rose will help you move through those moments of intense anxiety, ensuring that fear doesn’t overwhelm you so you can stay present and calm.

White Chestnut:

White Chestnut is for people whose minds are filled with racing thoughts and mental chatter. If you find yourself rehearsing worst-case scenarios or being bombarded by negative self-talk in the lead-up to a performance, White Chestnut can help quiet your mind.

This remedy helps clear the mental noise, helping you to focus and concentrate without being distracted by worries or doubts.


Larch is the remedy for those who lack confidence and feel they will fail. If you struggle with self-doubt or feel inadequate compared to others, Larch can help you regain your sense of self-assurance.

This remedy supports belief in your own abilities, helping you to approach your performance with a positive mindset. Larch encourages you to trust in yourself and your talents, empowering you to take on challenges without the fear of failure holding you back.

Using Bach Flower Remedies to Manage Stage Fright

If any of the above remedies resonate with you, you can create a personalised treatment bottle that includes up to seven essences via Mindful Remedies.

The recommended dosage is four drops, four times a day, either directly on the tongue or diluted in a glass of water; however, they can be used more often without overdosing.

In the case of stage fright, you might want to increase the dose in the days before a performance or presentation. It’s important to use the remedies consistently, especially in the days before a performance or presentation, but the frequency can be increased around the time of the performance to help you stay calm and composed.

To create your own personalised blend, click on the link below:

buy bach flower remedies

about the author

Since 2021, Lucy Edwards, a qualified Bach Flower Practitioner and the driving force behind Mindful Remedies, has connected with clients across the world. Crafting thousands of personalised remedies, Lucy has supported individuals' emotional wellbeing, shipping remedies to far-flung places like the USA, Thailand, and Australia.

Lucy is readily available for conversations, offering personalised advice to guide you on the path to holistic wellness. It's important to note that she's not only qualified but also registered with the Bach Centre, ensuring that every consultation and remedy adheres to Dr Bach’s original guidelines for expert care and efficacy.