Managing Tourette’s Syndrome with Bach Flower Remedies

Managing Tourette’s Syndrome with Bach Flower Remedies

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition characterised by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalisations known as tics. While these tics can vary in severity, the emotional and psychological impact can often be just as challenging as the physical symptoms.

Individuals with Tourette’s syndrome frequently experience stress, anxiety, and frustration, especially when their tics become more pronounced due to certain triggers. Bach flower remedies, while not a cure, can offer gentle support to manage the emotional ups and downs associated with Tourette’s syndrome.

In this blog, we’ll explore the potential causes and triggers of tics and recommend specific Bach flower remedies that can help support emotional wellbeing, making life with Tourette’s syndrome more manageable.

What Causes Tourette Syndrome?

Tourette Syndrome is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It often appears in childhood and can range from mild to severe.

Some people with Tourette’s syndrome may have other co-occurring conditions such as ADHD, OCD, anxiety or depression disorders.

Common Triggers of Tics

While the underlying cause of Tourette’s syndrome is neurological, various factors can trigger or exacerbate tics, including:

  • Stress and Anxiety: Emotional stress and anxiety are well known triggers that can increase the frequency and severity of tics.
  • Excitement or Fatigue: Heightened emotions or tiredness can lead to an increase in tics.
  • Illness or Fever: Physical ailments, such as fever or other illnesses, can worsen tics.
  • Environmental Sensory Stimuli: Sudden loud noises or visual stimuli can sometimes trigger tics.

Supporting Tourette’s Syndrome with Bach Flower Remedies 

Bach flower remedies are a gentle, natural way to support emotional wellbeing. The Bach flower system was developed in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach and consists of 38 remedies made from the essences of specific flowers and plants.

Each remedy is designed to help with a particular emotional state, for example fear, stress, uncertainty or sadness. They help to bring the body back into balance and are a type of energetic medicine similar to homeopathy (Dr Bach was previously a homeopath.)

As they’re completely natural and safe, they can be used by anyone, from children to pregnant women, and even pets. They’re also safe to use alongside other treatments including prescription medication and talking therapy.

Specific Bach Flower Remedies for Managing Tourette’s Syndrome 

Although Bach flower remedies do not treat the neurological aspects of Tourette’s syndrome, they can be beneficial in supporting the emotional and psychological challenges associated with the condition.

Here's a look at specific remedies that may help, categorised by the triggers they address:

General Support for Tourette’s Syndrome: Agrimony


Agrimony is a helpful remedy for those who may be suppressing their true emotions. It’s particularly beneficial when someone’s tics may be linked to an underlying need to hide their genuine feelings, presenting a cheerful front while struggling internally. This remedy supports honesty, open communication, and the ability to express emotions without fear. It encourages individuals to stop bottling up their feelings and to release any embarrassment or distress they might feel about their tics, helping them to be more at ease with themselves.


Stress and Anxiety:

Managing stress and anxiety is crucial for individuals with Tourette’s syndrome, as these emotions can worsen tics. The following Bach flower remedies may offer support:


For those who experience vague fears and anxiety without a clear cause. Aspen can help calm a general feeling of uneasiness, apprehension or fear, reducing the anxiety and unease that may trigger tics.


This flower remedy is for those who have specific fears, such as fear of being judged or mocked for their tics in social situations, or for something completely unrelated to their condition such as a phobia or money anxieties. Mimulus provides courage and helps people face their fears with greater resilience.

Rock Rose:

Rock Rose is for moments of intense panic or terror and can bring calm and composure. This remedy is useful when tics are triggered by extreme fear, panic attacks or a sense of impending doom.

Cherry Plum:

Cherry Plum is for those who fear losing control over their actions or thoughts or feel very stressed or on the verge of a breakdown. It can help restore a sense of composure and control.

Excitement or Fatigue:

As high levels of excitement or fatigue can also exacerbate tics, the following remedies may help in these situations:


This remedy is helpful for individuals who become overexcited or have intense enthusiasm that leads to exhaustion, Vervain can help restore balance and reduce overstimulation and the need to give 110% into everything.


This is the remedy for people who like to do everything in a hurry and get irritable if things get in their way. It can be useful for those who feel impatient or irritable, especially when they struggle to control their tics. Impatiens can help with patience and slowing down.


For those who are exhausted, physically, mentally and spiritually, Olive can help restore energy and resilience. This is particularly useful for those who experience increased tics due to fatigue.


Illness or Fever:

While Bach flower remedies do not treat physical illnesses directly, they can support the emotional impact of being unwell and Olive is helpful for rejuvenation during or after an illness.


During times of illness, when energy levels are low, Olive can help reduce the fatigue that may accompany physical sickness. It’s especially helpful when feeling depleted, which can sometimes increase tic frequency.


Environmental Sensory Stimuli:

Sudden changes in the environment, such as loud noises or bright lights, can trigger tics in individuals with Tourette’s syndrome.


Walnut is the remedy for those who are sensitive to change or external influences. It helps provide a sense of protection against external sensory stimuli that might otherwise trigger or worsen tics, putting a protective shell (like a walnut) around the individual and protecting them from anything that might blow them off course.

Creating a Personalised Bach Flower Remedy Blend 

A custom Bach flower remedy blend, tailored to an individual's unique emotional landscape and specific triggers, can offer comprehensive support to those with Tourette’s syndrome.

You can combine up to seven remedies in a single bottle to address a variety of emotional needs. A typical blend might include Agrimony for general emotional support, combined with remedies from the categories above based on the person’s primary triggers.

Please also see the links above for specific remedy recommendations for other conditions which can co-occur. You can combine any of the 38 different remedies into a bottle.

Usage: Take 4 drops of the chosen remedy mixture on the tongue or add it to a glass of water up to 4 times a day, or as needed, especially during periods of increased stress or tic activity.


While Bach flower remedies are not a cure for the neurological aspects of Tourette’s syndrome, they can play an important role in managing the emotional and psychological challenges associated with the condition.

By addressing the triggers that can worsen tics, these gentle remedies can help support overall emotional wellbeing.

As always, it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals for appropriate medical advice and treatment for Tourette’s syndrome.

about the author

Since 2021, Lucy Edwards, a qualified Bach Flower Practitioner and the driving force behind Mindful Remedies, has connected with clients across the world. Crafting thousands of personalised remedies, Lucy has supported individuals' emotional wellbeing, shipping remedies to far-flung places like the USA, Thailand, and Australia.

Lucy is readily available for conversations, offering personalised advice to guide you on the path to holistic wellness. It's important to note that she's not only qualified but also registered with the Bach Centre, ensuring that every consultation and remedy adheres to Dr Bach’s original guidelines for expert care and efficacy.