The Best Bach Flower Remedies to Quit Smoking

The Best Bach Flower Remedies to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the most transformative steps you can take to improve your health, yet it’s often easier said than done. The journey is filled with numerous challenges, particularly the emotional ups and downs that accompany breaking free from nicotine dependency. 

As a Bach flower practitioner, I’ve seen firsthand how these natural remedies can offer gentle and effective support for many issues including helping to break bad habits such as alcohol addiction and smoking. 

In this blog post, I’ll share some of the best Bach flower remedies to quit smoking, helping you to break free from this unhealthy habit and empowering you to stay on track with your decision to quit.

Understanding Bach Flower Remedies

In the 1930s, Dr Edward Bach developed a unique system of natural remedies aimed at balancing emotions and improving mental health. These Bach flower remedies consist of 38 different flower essences, each made from a different flower, tree or plant. 

Each remedy targets a specific emotional state, providing gentle support to help clear negative feelings and restore balance. They are completely natural with no side effects and can be used alongside existing medication and for people of all ages including babies and pregnant women.

How Bach Flower Remedies Can Help You Quit Smoking

When it comes to quitting smoking, the emotional hurdles can often be the most challenging part. Anxiety, irritability, stress, and cravings are all common experiences that can make the process feel overwhelming. This is where custom Bach flower remedies can be incredibly beneficial. They offer a natural way to support your emotional well-being during this tough time.

For instance, if you’re feeling anxious about quitting, there’s a remedy for that. If stress and irritability are making it hard to stay smoke-free, there are remedies that can help you stay calm and balanced. 

The beauty of these remedies is that they don’t just mask the symptoms—they address the underlying emotional issues, helping you to stay grounded and focused on your goal.

Using Bach flower remedies can make a significant difference in your quit journey. They provide the emotional support needed to handle cravings, manage stress, and keep your resolve strong. With regular use, these remedies can help you build emotional resilience, making the process of quitting smoking more manageable and less daunting. 

The Best Bach Flower Remedies for Quitting Smoking



Walnut is the remedy for change and breaking free from the past. When you’re trying to quit smoking, you’re breaking away from old habits and dealing with significant changes in your life. Walnut helps to shield you from external influences and negative pressures that might tempt you back into smoking, helping you to stay committed to your decision. Whether it’s the stress of social situations or the pressure of routines that involve smoking, Walnut supports you in maintaining your resolve and adapting to your new smoke-free lifestyle.

Chestnut Bud:

Chestnut Bud is for those who don’t learn from their mistakes and keep repeating the same errors. If you’ve tried to quit smoking before but find yourself falling back into the habit, this remedy can help. It encourages you to learn from past experiences and avoid making the same choices that lead you back to smoking. For instance, you might decide to quit but then join friends who smoke, thinking you can resist. Before you know it, you’re lighting up again. Chestnut Bud helps you break this cycle by giving you greater awareness of the things that push you off track and the changes needed to succeed.

Cherry Plum:

Cherry Plum is helpful for feelings of stress and if you feel like you’re about to lose control. Quitting smoking can sometimes lead to intense cravings and a fear of giving in. Cherry Plum helps you stay composed and maintain self-control, even during the toughest moments. If you’re worried about snapping under pressure or giving in to the urge to smoke, this remedy helps to bring composure and calm to keep you grounded and in control of your actions.


Mimulus is the remedy for overcoming specific fears and anxieties. The fear of withdrawal symptoms, the anxiety of facing social situations without a cigarette, or the worry about failing to quit can all be daunting. Mimulus helps you to face these fears, giving you the courage to face the challenges of quitting smoking head-on, making the process less intimidating and more manageable.


Larch is for those who lack confidence and doubt their ability to succeed. If you’ve tried to quit smoking before and failed, you might feel a sense of discouragement. Larch boosts your self-confidence, helping you believe in your ability to quit for good. It brings a sense of confidence and self-assurance, empowering you to approach quitting with a positive and determined mindset.


Quitting smoking is a long and often difficult process, and it’s easy to get disheartened by setbacks. Gentian is helpful if you’re feeling discouraged or despondent, particularly if you’ve slipped up and given in to your craving. Gentian helps you to stay resilient and optimistic, even when the going gets tough. It encourages you to see setbacks as temporary and to keep pushing forward with determination and positivity.


Agrimony is for those who hide their worries and emotional pain behind a facade of cheerfulness. If you smoke to cope with hidden anxieties or emotional distress, Agrimony can help you address these underlying issues. It helps you to face up to your inner issues and supports genuine emotional healing by allowing you to confront and release the inner turmoil that might be driving your smoking habit.

Crab Apple:

Crab Apple is the cleansing remedy and is helpful for those who feel a strong need to detoxify or if they don’t like some aspect of themselves (mental or physical.) If you’re quitting smoking, you might feel a sense of impurity or a desire to cleanse your body and mind from the effects of smoking. Crab Apple helps to purify and cleanse your mind, bringing a feeling of cleanliness and renewal.


Pine is for those who feel guilty or blame themselves. If you’re blaming yourself for smoking or feeling guilty about past failed attempts to quit or slight slips ups, Pine can help. It helps you to approach your quit journey with a kinder, more forgiving attitude towards yourself. This remedy helps you to accept yourself and your efforts, helping you to be more compassionate towards yourself.


Scleranthus is the remedy for indecision and uncertainty. If you find yourself wavering in your decision to quit smoking, or if you’re struggling with conflicting emotions about quitting, Scleranthus can help. It brings clarity and decisiveness, helping you to make a firm commitment to quit and stick with it. This remedy ensures that you remain focused on your goal, even when doubts arise.


By incorporating these Bach flower remedies into your quitting journey, you can address the various emotional challenges that come with quitting smoking. Each remedy offers specific support to help you stay strong, balanced, and committed to your goal of becoming smoke-free.

How to Use Bach Flower Remedies for Quitting Smoking

Creating a personalised Bach flower remedy blend tailored to your specific emotional needs can significantly help your quitting success. 

Typically, a blend can include up to seven different remedies. The recommended dosage is four drops, four times a day, either directly on the tongue or diluted in a glass of water. Consistency is key, so incorporate these remedies into your daily routine to maximise their benefits. 

At Mindful Remedies, we specialise in creating custom Bach flower remedy blends to support your emotional well-being. Our easy-to-use online service allows you to select the remedies that best suit your needs, giving you a personalised approach to your quit journey. 

To create your own personalised blend, simply click on the link below:

buy bach flower remedies

Quitting smoking is a challenging but immensely rewarding process. Bach flower remedies offer a natural and holistic approach to addressing the emotional aspects of this process, providing the support needed to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting success. 

If you're considering quitting smoking, why not explore the potential benefits of a personalised Bach flower remedy blend? Your path to a smoke-free life might just become a little easier.

Ready to take the next step? Explore our personalised Bach flower remedies to support your quitting journey and embrace a healthier, smoke-free future.

about the author

Since 2021, Lucy Edwards, a qualified Bach Flower Practitioner and the driving force behind Mindful Remedies, has connected with clients across the world. Crafting thousands of personalised remedies, Lucy has supported individuals' emotional wellbeing, shipping remedies to far-flung places like the USA, Thailand, and Australia.

Lucy is readily available for conversations, offering personalised advice to guide you on the path to holistic wellness. It's important to note that she's not only qualified but also registered with the Bach Centre, ensuring that every consultation and remedy adheres to Dr Bach’s original guidelines for expert care and efficacy.